Anne R. Titelbaum, Bebel Ibarra, Stephen Naji
2013. Challenges of terrain and human interaction: fracture patterns from a late intermediate highland sample from Marcajirca, department of Ancash, Peru. Meeting of American Association of Physical Anthropology Knoxville. April 2013.
Anne R. Titelbaum, Bebel Ibarra, Stephen Naji
2014. Madelung’s deformity and possible dyschondrosteosis: two cases from one tomb at the late intermediate period site of Marcajirca, department of Ancash, Peru. Meeting of American Association of Physical Anthropology. Calgary. April 2014.
Anne Titelbaum, Bebel Ibarra.
2016. Preliminary Analysis of Fracture Patterns from an Atypical Late Horizon/Early Colonial Period Pit Burial with Comparison to Trauma Observed Among Typical Late Intermediate Period (Ca Ad 1250) Above-Ground Tombs in the Ancash Region of Peru. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Anatomists at Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. April 2-5. 2016.
Bebel Ibarra and Stephan Naji
2011. First Peruvian Christian Muommies? A biological analysis of transitional site at Marcajirca Peru.Meeting of American Association of Physical Anthropology Meeting. New México. April 2011.
Madelung’s deformity and possible Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis: Two cases from a Late Intermediate period tomb, Ancash, Peru
Anne Titelbaum and Bebel Ibarra
2016. Traumatic injury or infectious disease? Differential diagnosis of a deformed subadult
Scapula from a late intermediate highland tomb at Marcajirca, department of Ancash, Peru. 43rd Annual North American Meeting of Paleopathological Association. St. Louis. (April 12-13, 2016),
John Verano, Anne Titelbaum, Bebel Ibarra.
2016. The Northern Highlands and Cloud Forest. In Holes in the Head the Art and Archaeology of Trepanation in Ancient Peru. John Verano (ed). Pp 171-192. Dumbarton Oaks. Washington D.C.
Huari-Ancash Bio-Archaeological Research Project
!!20 Years!! 2004 - 2024